Nicholas Brems: Talented Planner

Planning ahead is a skill that is often overlooked in today’s society. For many individuals, it is much easier to fly by the seat of our pants, hoping that everything will work out in the end. However, individuals who do this increase the amount of stress placed on themselves and are unable to enjoy the moment as much as they would if they had a plan in place for the future. Nicholas Brems is not this type of person. Nicholas Brems prides himself on being a capable planner, and it shows in both his personal and professional life.


In his professional life, Nicholas Brems makes a point to plan ahead regarding what he will do in any given assignment. When Nicholas Brems was handed the assignment to help enact the Buckle Up campaign, Nicholas Brems immediately began planning and figured out the best course of action to take. By planning ahead and understanding his role, Nicholas Brems helped the Clearwater police department enact the Buckle Up campaign and succeed in their efforts to reduce the amount of drivers who did not wear a seat belt. This type of planning and forethought has helped Nicholas Brems throughout his career in the police force.


Outside of work, Nicholas Brems brings the same attention to detail to bear in his personal life. By paying attention to the small details of life, Nicholas Brems is able to plan out a course of action days or weeks in advance and is able to avoid many of the problems associated with last minute planning. Nicholas Brems is proud of the way he handles stress and has tried to teach his family these same planning techniques. By planning ahead in his personal life, Nicholas Brems has improved his quality of life and is able to enjoy the moment more than he otherwise would.

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